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The help elements on this page are powered by Vic!

Hi, I'm Vic

I Make Employees



I'm an Enterprise Help Assistant

I put information where the user is. Whether it's in-app support, training materials, or corporate messaging & compliance, I make sure your team are supported and never miss important messages. All without calling Bob in IT!

I'm kind of a big deal

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I Put the 'Help' in
'Enterprise Help Assistant'

Let me show how helpful I am and why you & your employees are going to me.

I live in your app. When someone needs training, support, or information, I'm just a click away.

I'm very helpful indeed

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Support Tickets
Faster On-boarding
of New Hires
Digital Adoption
Higher Compliance
Faster Time-to-
Competence on Tasks
Overall Increased
Better Communication
of Initiatives
Increased Employee

Wanna check out my features?

(That's great and all, but...)

Who Needs an
'Enterprise Help Assistant'

You do!

Let me qualify that. You do if you are a director, manager, or leader in an enterprise-size organization.

Software & Technology
Learning & Development
Human Resources
Corporate Communications
Corporate Compliance
// Your Department
Software & Technology
// Your Challenges
Too Many Support Tickets
Lack of Help Features in Web Apps
Supporting a Remote Workforce
// My Solution

I provide instant help, right in the web app employees are using. 'Contextual help' is what I call it, and it's accessible across most enterprise web apps.

I wrote a whole story to illustrate this point! Look down below.

// Realistic Scenario
"Rachel forgot how to import contacts... again."

Rachel is a marketing associate at a large company that sells widgets. (Let's call the company "Poogle".)

"Poogle" has a CRM system where Rachel creates sales & marketing reports. Part of Rachel's job requires her to import sales data from another system. She's a bright employee, but she only has to do this a couple of times a year - and the CRM’s user interface isn't the most intuitive.

Rachel used to have to call Bob in IT (hopefully he's not out to lunch!) or dig through the company intranet for the job aide that explains how to do it the right way. The last time she tried to do it from memory, she duplicated all 3,497 contacts – so she’s a little reluctant to pull the trigger again. Not a very productive morning...argh!

This is where I come in -- Vic to the rescue!

Since Poogle installed me, Rachel can ask for my help anytime right from her CRM app. When she’s a little fuzzy on her training, all she has to do is “ask Vic” and I’ll refresh her memory. I call this self-help (even though technically I did the helping... but I digress).

With my help, Rachel is more comfortable and more productive, and Bob gets to eat his lunch in peace.

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// Your Department
Learning & Development
// Your Challenges
Onboarding New Employees
Professional Development
Undertrained Employees
Resistance to Software Training Classes
Training Employees can be Expensive
// My Solution

I provide 'contextual help' – help that is in the context of what a user is doing – that is accessible as an overlay on enterprise web apps. Now your employees can get supplemental help and training INSIDE the app they are using.

// Realistic Scenario
"Monica wants to Excel at her work."

Monica is trying to get better at using her everyday tools, but she hates having to ask people how to do things. But when her colleagues invite her to a training session, she generally won’t come (unless it’s mandatory). She uses Excel a lot, but it’s mostly for data entry, and she’d like to figure out how to make those nifty pivot table reports other people use.

Since her company installed me (Vic!), Monica no longer needs to interrupt her coworkers for help – she can simply ‘ask Vic’. I exist as an overlay on web apps, so the answer to creating pivot tables is just a few clicks away. I can show Monica exactly what to do with my tips, tutorials, and even video training content.

And more, Terry, the Corporate Training lead, can identify specific tips & tricks and have me deliver them to his users pro-actively as ‘Terry’s Tidbits’. He can track how many people see the tips, and how many people actually clicked the ‘Learn more’ button.

These notifications help Terry upskill his users steadily throughout the year or as needs arise. I’m not one to brag, but this will definitely help Terry get a better score for training on the next employee survey.

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// Your Department
Human Resources
// Your Challenges
Disparate Web Apps for Servicing Employees
Remembering How Seldom-Used Apps Work
Keeping Up with Changes / Upgrades to Apps
// My Solution

I live in the browser, so I’m always just a click away whenever an employee needs help to accomplish a task or remember a procedure. Forget about classes and outdated training methods, simply remind your users to “Ask Vic” when they need a hand. I can even provide proactive tips and reminders as required.

// Realistic Scenario
"The Onboarding of Chandler."

Onboarding new employees is a hassle, amiright? Pick a health plan, enroll in direct deposit, 401k stuff, email signatures, compliance courses, touring the intranet, etc., etc., etc.… all on different platforms (of course).

Imagine Chandler’s surprise, when, on his first day, he had no training sessions scheduled. Instead, he was shown to his desk, introduced to his team, and given a link to his first-day checklist. When he clicked the link – guess who appeared? Hint: it was ME (Vic)!

I took Chandler on a self-guided tour through the system explaining important bits as we went. I showed him his cloud folder and the team’s shared files. I even guided him through picking his health plan and 401k options.

By lunchtime Chandler was all set up and ready to get to work.

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// Your Department
Corporate Communications
// Your Challenges
Email is Ineffective for Bulk Messaging
Important Announcements Get Lost in the Noise
Ensuring Messaging is Seen by All Employees
// My Solution

I like to think “outside the Inbox”. Instead of sending emails that only 20% of your users will see, I add messaging right on top of the web apps they use every day. Announcement banners, pop ups, and inline boxes allow you to place your messages where everyone is sure to see it.

I also keep track of who has seen what. That’s right, I have powerful analytics built right in that lets you see if your messaging has been viewed (and by whom).

// Realistic Scenario
"Say hello to my little friend, Phoebe."

Phoebe is a Project Manager at ‘Poogle’. She went on vacation for a few days and now everything is behind - 3 project deadlines looming, a team meeting in an hour, and 127 unread emails in her inbox. Talk about a hectic day back!

So who’s to blame her for hunkering down and focusing on one thing at a time. Those emails can wait ‘til tomorrow.

Unbeknownst to Phoebe, buried in those 127 unread emails is a little message from the new CEO requesting everyone attend a special company wide meeting on the 12th, and to be prepared to give status updates. And today is the 11th.

Ruh Roh!

When she was wrapping up for the day, Phoebe checked her document library one last time and noticed a new flashing banner at the top of the screen – “Don’t forget tomorrow’s meeting!”. Tomorrow’s meeting?

Luckily for Phoebe, those forward-looking Corporate Communications folks installed me (Vic!) while she was on vacation to make sure important announcements and messages wouldn’t keep getting missed.

As Phoebe collected herself, she let out a long, steady sigh – "thanks Vic…"

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// Your Department
Corporate Compliance
// Your Challenges
Making Sure Employees Comply with Regulations
Ineffective Onboarding Compliance Training
Effectively Communicating Guidelines
Ever-changing Regulations
// My Solution

Remembering each and every regulation and guideline is impossible. But I’m a details kind of bot, and I know how important following the rules is. So, I make it easy to provide employees with tips and reminders about compliance issues and regulations as they perform their daily tasks.

No need to re-read the 127 page company privacy policy again (unless you’re into that sort of thing…).

// Realistic Scenario
"The Compliance Officer gets some sleep."

Joey is the kind of guy Compliance Officers lose sleep over.

He’s been around awhile and knows how things are supposed to work, but he doesn’t have much patience for regulations and policies. Joey’s company used to do annual compliance refresher training, but employees like Joey don’t seem to get the importance and aren’t likely to remember the training 6 months later anyways.

Since his company installed me (Vic!), compliance reminders and guides have been added right in the places where compliance is critical, like webmail for example. I was configured to show a 3-step walkthrough for properly classifying email messages. When Joey can’t remember the difference between ‘Private’, ‘Confidential’, ‘PII’, and ‘Customer PII’, all he has to do is click on the “message classifications” button I added to his webmail app interface.

Sleep well Mr. Compliance Officer. Sleep well.

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I Work with some pretty amazing people

I Don't Like to Brag...
I Let Others Brag For Me

Chris Reynolds
Malinda Powell
Lynley Hipps
Chris Reynolds
Chris Reynolds
Head of System at NHS UK

"Our journey to the cloud has taken a couple of years. We knew the right tools were out there, but our users appeared confused and adoption was suffering. Support tickets for how-to's were at an all-time high and that is where [Vic] came in. [Vic] has given my team their time back to prioritize other projects and strengthen our organization."

Malinda Powell
Malinda Powell
Senior Systems Analyst / TD Ameritrade

“I was part of the product testing when we were originally seeking a product for SharePoint tier 1 support at TD Ameritrade and thought at that time that it was a no brainer to go with [Vic]. I was very happy when management approved the purchase and even happier after seeing the results. Our calls for support were substantially decreased; prior to having [Vic], I received 3-4 times as many questions and requests for help. And now, your product interface has improved, the content is so much richer than when we first came on board, the growth of this product is very impressive. I would highly recommend [Vic] to anyone looking to enhance their tier 1 support.”

Lynley Hipps
Lynley Hipps
Support Manager / TSYS

"My favorite part about [Vic] is the context sensitivity of the application. It knows who a user is, where they are and what kind of access they have within the application to be able to deliver specific instruction to that user in the time that they need it. The flexibility to be able to customize [Vic's] interface to be able to deliver our own content is also a big win."

Make Your Employees


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